Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My wonderfully crazy day

So I got my new computer today. Hopefully now I'm going to to start making my youtube videos again.

So work was crazy and I feel bad that I couldn't do filing like Claudia wanted me to. I just had a ton of other things to do. Like to make sure that the instructions to do my job are updated and easy to read. Especially because my job just totally changed.

So soon I will go back to school and I will once again be working my butt off to get good grades and make my grandparents perfectly happy and proud.

Next order of business. I'm going to the Bahamas! I'm going on a cruise with my Dad, my Step Mother, my Step Sister, and my wonderful Boyfriend. I can't wait. I'm going to be filming some and I'm going to take lots of pictures. I'm working on collecting change to pay to buy a new digital camera because all I have is a video camera. I want to be able to have great pictures. Everything will be going to up sometime after the 22nd. I leave the 18th. YAY!

Hope you are having a wonderful summer,

Brittany Rose

Sunday, August 1, 2010

50 random questions

Where were you 3 hours ago?
Going to taco bell to get food

Who are you in love with?
My boyfriend Brett

Have you ever eaten a crayon?
No never

Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
My DS Lite

When is the last time you went to the mall?
Today like 5 or 6 hours ago

Are you wearing socks right now?

Does your family have a car worth over $2,000?

When was the last time you drove out of town?

Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
No it's really expensive to go to the movie in my area

Are you hot?
Yeah it's Florida, it's always hot

What was the last thing you had to drink?
Baja Blast Mountain Dew

What are you wearing right now?
My purple homecoming shirt and a pair of black guy shorts that magically appeared in my closet. I think they're my ex boyfriends.

Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?
Car wash

Last food that you ate?

Where were you last week at this time?
Probably Blogging

Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
No I don't think so, unless you call a school bag a clothing item

When is the last time you ran?
Friday because my Grandfather was rushed to the hospital and I ran into my boyfriend's work to steal(borrow) his car

What's the last sporting event you watched?
Football game way last year

What is your favorite animal?

Your dream vacation?

Last person's house you were in?
My boyfriend's? Maybe his dad's house not his mom's? Oh no my neighbors house I wanted to ask their dad a question

Worst injury you've ever had?
Chipped the bone in my foot or when I twisted the inner ligament of my knee

Have you been in love?

Do you miss anyone right now?

Last play you saw?
Wizard of Oz at my school

What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
Just being myself

What are your plans for tonight?
Sleep because it is almost 2 am

Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment?
Probably a comment to my boyfriend

Next trip you are going to take?
The Bahamas

Ever go to camp?
Like day camp yes but not like sleep over camp but I always wanted to go

Were you an honor roll student in school?
Yeah I think I only ever got one F one D and like 4 C's throughout all of schooling

What do you want to know about the future?
Nothing because I don't want to be able to change it. Why would you want to do that? Everything happens for a reason.

Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?

Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?
Yeah I think so, I know I have to go to the Gastroenterologist

Where is your best friend?
A lot of places because I'm one of those people that think you can have a lot of best friends, I'm like best friends with all my friends.

How is your best friend?
I think they're all good

Do you have a tan?
No I can't tan to save my life

What are you listening to right now?
Static Shock I love this show

Do you collect anything?
Makeup and I have a jar of change that eventually buy something with.

Who is the biggest gossiper you know?
My own grandma and her friend they talk a lot I compare them to Mrs Patty and Bubette from Gilmore Girls

Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?
November 25th, 2009, I was on my way to the doctors and it was the day after my 18th birthday, I was following my grandpa and he was going like 48 and I was going like 42 because I only thought the speed limit was like 35 or 40, but it was actually 30 and I saw the speed limit sign and I tried to slow down but he had already radared me because he was right behind the sign and I only got a warning but if he would have caught my grandpa he would have gotten a ticket so I saved my grandpa from being in trouble with my Grandmother because he had just gotten a ticket for not putting the disabled sign up when we parked at the grocery store.

Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
Like a couple hours ago

What does your last text message say?

Do you like hot sauce?
Not really I'm not much for spicy stuff but I like my dad's flavored hot sauce

Last time you took a shower?
Last night

Do you need to do laundry?
Grandma does yeah

What is your heritage?
Funny because we were actually talking about this in the car today
I'm German, Irish, British, Welsh, Scottish, possibly French, and possibly Polish

Are you someone's best friend?

Are you rich?
No by no means am I rich

What were you doing at 12AM last night?
I was at Walmart because my boyfriend wanted me to. I'm not a big Walmart person I like Target a lot better, I just find that I get better service at Walmart.

Ok that is my 50 random questions tag. Have a good night,

Brittany Rose

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Rosy Ramble Not So Normal Friday

So I made a second blog that is just stories and it originally was only going to be fiction, but I had such a emotional day that I figured it could be my only true story. So to read about my day click this link:


Thank you and hope you have a wonderful day,

Brittany Rose

Monday, July 26, 2010

{Rosy Ramble} Monday Blog

So to start off this week I got to meet my boyfriend's dad. He's a pretty nice guy. A lot better than my boyfriend's mom who should have been forced to give up her children. She's not nice and not a mother, I mean what mom tells their child who is trying to get back on his feet that she's leaving and he needs to find a new home but doesn't help him move. Whatever just one of those things.

So my boyfriend is going to buy a car from his dad because his dad's girlfriend is nice enough to sell it to Brett for a very decent price. She figures that if they tried to sell it to someone else then they could get an extra $1,000 but she knows Brett is trying to get back on his feet, he's working and he wants to go back to school. She's one of those people it would make her feel better to better Brett's life than to have an extra thousand in his hand. I really respect her and that's very hard to do. She has morals which is kind of hard to find in the area I live in. She respects herself and respects her body. She's one of those people that thinks it's better to leave something to the imagination instead of dress like a stripper. I also respect her for not settling on being a stripper. She is trying to find honest work instead of taking off her cloths for strangers. She has a good head on her shoulders and it's nice to see that in someone. Even though she is my age and Brett's dad is almost my parent's age they seem good for each other and Brett said that he has never seen his dad happier.

Next, I put in an order to Sephora last night. My grandma got a $50 gift certificate with her credit card points. It was one of those certificates that needed to be used online, but because it was for $50 I didn't mind because once you hit 50 it's free shipping. I had another gift card that I received from a friend that wasn't going to use it. I almost got the four in one palette that has like 50 eye shadows, but I really wanted NARS' Deep Throat blush more and I wanted to get more for my money than just a palette. The palette was $29.50 and I know I can get is soon I just had things that I wanted more. Not to mention I had to look at what I would use more. I have a huge palette I got for my birthday from another friend and I barely use it, but the things I got I've wanted for even longer than a palette. I also got the Urban Decay Pocket Rocket lip gloss in Colin. I wasn't sure about the color, it's like an orange red but the packaging was too cute to pass up and I've been wanting one of them for a long time. I love the name, I love the hot men on it, and the puppy was just too cute. I also got a sample of Doug so I'll get to try him too. I got 5 lip balms in total. I got a Stack-able Dylan's Candy bar lip balm in 4 different flavors. And then a lip balm with SPF in it. I wasn't a huge fan of the samples I got, but that's ok. I don't always uses the samples and they are free so it wasn't a loss.

So for this week I have planned that I'm going to sign up for classes. I have to retake the College Algebra test one more time to see if I can skip a course, but if I don't get to skip, I'm not going to be upset. I've studied and if I don't get it then I need this extra course. It's just one of those things. I'm taking 4 courses and that's perfect for me. I think that 4 is going to be just enough I'm going to have homework but not so much that I'm going to be bogged down. I'm going to take Comp I which is pretty much English, World Religion which actually covers 2 credits, I'm going to take either Psychology or Sociology which I took both in High School and loved, and finally whatever Math Course I end up in which is either Intermediate Math or College Algebra. It's nice to feel like I'm a college student. I've always been one to work hard at school even if I wasn't succeeding at a certain course I would do everything to succeed in that course. I'm just one of those people that felt like school was the most important thing as a student. Yeah I missed out on being a teenager, but I'd rather be smart than have a ton of friends and party all the time. I wanted to be one of those people that would get smart jokes and could dish it back. I feel like some people will never have that because they either just wanted to skim by or didn't think that they would use this stuff outside of school. And don't get me wrong, there are things that you will never use (unless you're going into my field).

Anyways so that was pretty much my day and that's what I plan for my week. Hopefully you guys had a good day today and have a good day tomorrow.

Brittany Rose

Friday, July 23, 2010

Florida vs Wade

So I've been watching this case pretty closely. And I know that there are somethings that people will be on ones side or the other about. These are the things that tipped me off to her being guilty.

1. She was standing outside
Now all through this the defendant has been claiming self defense, that she was afraid that someone was going to jump her. Well the logical thing to think is that if you are afriad of someone coming to get you, you would stay inside. I can understand her going to a friend's house, I mean 3 against 1 is just not fair, but all of the witnesses said that she was sitting on her car with two boys or that they were talking outside by her car. Now if she had just gotten out of her car and was walking up to the house I could understand, but she was like a sitting duck. Not to mention Rachel had said another car almost hit her. I would think after that you would at least try to run inside. Another thing, most laws state that if someone comes onto your property you can call the cops for trustpassing and/or defend yourself if you are threatened.

2. Where were her parents in all of this?
Most people would, no matter how mad they are at their kid would want to keep their child safe. I know that if someone was coming to beat me down if I went to my parents house and these people found me my parents would call the police.

3. Are teenage girls really this, for lack of a better word, stupid?
Rachel had said that Joshua pointed a gun at her. Why would you stay with a guy that points a gun at you? He admitted he was cheating on them. Why would you date a guy who you know is cheating on you? Then Joshua told Rachel that if she loved him she wouldn't fight him she would fight the other girls. WHAT?! Are you insane?! I mean seriously if a guy told me to fight some girl for him I'd tell him to take a hike. I can see like if my parents don't like him I'll plead his case to them but no guy is worth fighting or even stabbing some girl over.

4. The Defense
The whole long like hour speech that the defense attorney gave centered around that Ludemann was bigger than Wade. Then the Prosecutor indicated that Wade herself said she was more afraid of Janette who is 4 inches shorter than her. SO really the entire Defense's argument was thrown out. Not to mention the Prosecutor also indicated that even though Janette attacked Wade too that she did not stab her.

It's just one of those things that what people are saying didn't add up. And some of it makes me worry for society. I mean are girls this delusional.


No guy should want you to fight some other girl for him. And under no circumstances should you stand for a guy who is not treating you like a Princess!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tag 25 Random Questions

I wanted to do a blog before I went to bed, but I honestly didn't know what to talk about so I decided to do a Tag that is all over Youtube.

1. Do you have any pets?
Yes I actually have 4 dogs (5 if you count the dog that claims me as part of her family) and 1 cat (3 if you count my boyfriends 2 cats)
My house:
Cena 3 in September(dog)
Penny 10 in August(dog)
My dad's house:
Dioge 12 January(pronounced D.O.G. he's a dog)
Radar 6? (dog)
Vicky 10 (cat)
Dog that claims me:
Doge 2, she's 6 months younger than Cena almost to the day(again pronounced D.O.G. she's a dog)
Tiger 2 (cat about to start living at my house)
Boots 2 (cat going to a new home because we just can't have two cats in this house)

2. Name 3 things that are physically close to you.
My phone
My remote to my tv
My Teddy Bear that I've had almost my entire life

3. What's the weather like right now?
Dark because it's 11:30 pm

4. Do you drive? If so have you crashed?
I do drive and I've never crashed, I count crashing as you hit someone or someone hits you and they were in the car
I hit a small tree and all it did was stress the paint and I had to have my bummer repainted
I tapped my grandfathers car and it left a small black mark on both cars, it was early in the morning, I hadn't had much sleep so I was pretty tired

5. What time did you wake up this morning?
About 7 because I had to have a medical test done today and I had to be at the place at 7:45

6. When was the last time you showered?
Last night

7. What was the last movie you saw?
Percy Jackson and the Olympians

8. What does your last text message say?
Hope you feel better! Rest! Love you!

9. What's your ringtone?
My goddaughter singing Rodolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and my text message song is Lil Jon ft. LMFAO- Get Outta Your Mind

10. Have you ever been to a different country?
Yes I've been to the Bahamas and Mexico

11. Do you like sushi?

12. Where do you buy your groceries?

13. Have you ever taken medication to help you fall asleep faster?
Only when I was sick

14. How many siblings do you have?
One step sister

15. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
Laptop and I'm getting another soon

16. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
19 on November 24th

17. Do you wear contacts or glasses?
Neither but I have glasses for like movies and such but I don't have to wear them

18. Do you color your hair?

19. Tell me something you are planning to do today.
Sleep but tomorrow I have to go to work and to Barnes and Noble

20. When was the last time you cried?
Like 2 weeks ago when I saw Toy Story 3

21. What is your perfect pizza topping?
Cheese or Green Peppers

22. Which do you prefer-hamburgers or cheeseburgers?
Neither really but if I had to choose I would say cheeseburgers

23. Have you ever had an all-nighter?
All the time because I'm a procrastinator. I kind of like the pressure

24. What is your eye color?
Blue but it changes colors

25. Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke?
Yes, but I don't hate one or the other but when places have Pepsi I'd rather have Mountain Dew. I'd choose that over Coke if it was available. Pepsi to me is sweeter.

Meganheartsmakeup on Youtube

So I'm not exactly happy with her right now. I'm a really big rescue/shelter supporter and to see her get a teacup pom is kind of sickening. Honestly if she would have bought from a breeder because of a certain reason like that she wanted to show the dog or if she was using it for herding this would be a different story.

For one having a back ground in vet I know there is no such thing as Teacup anything. They are dogs that are usually born prematurely by the breed forcing the mother to go into labor too early. They are usually very unhealthy dogs too. This is because of two reasons. One because of their size their organs usually grow too big for their tiny bodies. Two because of the premature birth some of them might not have finished developing properly.

Two there are so many dogs that are put to sleep each day because of no one wanted them. 4 out of the 5 dogs I've owned have been from a shelter directly and the last and youngest one was rescued but he was originally from a breeder.

Cena's story: My mother was a cab driver and she drove this couple to the greyhound bus station. They had a very adorable and friendly puppy with them. He was a Bichon Frise and Shih Tzu cross which is also called a Zuchon or Shihon. His name was originally Teddy The station would not allow the puppy to go on the bus. So the couple obviously not caring too much about the young creature was going to tie him to a pole and come back in the morning. My mother told them no. She told them that if they came back for him the next day they could have him, but to not let her daughter (me) get attached to the dog. They came back two weeks later and demanded their dog back. My mother told them oh no not only was I attached, my grandmother (who doesn't really like dogs) and my grandfather (who doesn't like small dogs) were all attached to this dog. She demanded they sign him over immediately. On top of this they wrote my mom a bad check so she had them on fraud too so they gave in and signed over the dog. They gave us all his paperwork and that's when we found out he was from a breeder. They had paid $1,000 for this puppy and he was elegable for being registered with the American Hybrid Association.

Three it kind of makes me sad for the dog because obviously she did not do her homework on the breed. If she would have done her homework she would have known that this dog is going to have health problems. She would have known the possible torture the mother had to go through to have this puppy. She also probably wouldn't have bought the dog.

Forth if she had done some research she would have known that shelter dogs and dogs of mixed breeds are actually healthier than pure bred dogs.

Lastly I'm very concerned that she pick the dog up from the airport. Plane rides are very stressful for animals, especially for young animals. Stress is not only bad for people but animals too. Think that puppy was alone in a crate for a very long time. Was there no way that she could have found a breeder closer to her home.

I'm honestly not sure if I want to watch her videos anymore. Mostly her reviews. I'm afraid that she hasn't done her homework on stuff she is telling us is so great.

That's just my two sense. Take it or leave it.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Garage sale rosy rambles

So it's about 2:15 pm and we've been running our garage sale for about 5 hours. So far I've made over 75 dollars. That's awesome. Later I'm going to go pick up the rest of my Pretty Little Liars series. I need 3,7,and 8. Books-a-million was having a by 2 get 1 free. So I got the first, second, forth, fifth, and sixth that way. They didn't have the third one and the sale only qualified for 1-6. So I just went to the barnes and noble down the street for the last 3. I put them on hold because I didn't have the money until yesterday and grandma has to renew our membership card.

So right now I'm taking a break on the garage sale and watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I have a Harry Potter obsession. I know most of the words to almost all the movies. They are doing a marathon on ABC Family and showing previews of the 7th movie. I keep getting goose bumps. Every time I hear the music or think I hear it, I stop and turn my head. It's obsessive. lol

Brett, my boyfriend, worked the night shift last night 10pm-6am and then he was here helping set up. Now he's asleep on my bed. Gotta love how dedicated he is to my family. It's wonderful. I mean how can you not love someone like that.

If you notice I stopped labeling my post because I really haven't talked about anything that is worth labeling. Now if I do a review or if I go somewhere and bring back pictures I'll label it. Just plain blogs that I just ramble no.

Ok back to my movie. See ya

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Rosy Ramble (video camera, life, relationship, future expectations)

So I've pretty much given up on beauty youtube videos. The world does not want me doing videos. My camera is now broken. So I give up. I still have warranty so I'm going to have it fixed and maybe I'll do vlogs or maybe they can give me a credit and I'll get a laptop with it and get like a flip camera. The weird thing is, I was just about to buy a tripod for it.

Life is going pretty good other than that. I graduated from high school and I've been dating someone since February. I was about 10 when I first met him. We didn't have the best friendship at first. Then my freshman year of high school we got acquainted and we've kept in pretty good touch since. We did have a small rough patch about 2 years ago, but our relationship is great. He is really the only boyfriend I have ever had that I'm not the slightest bit jealous when I think of him talking to other girls. I've honestly never felt so trusting of a guy.

Other than graduating, I'm now working full time for now and most likely the rest of summer. In the fall I start a community college here, which I am not happy about. I wanted to take a year off, but it was just one of those things that I didn't get my way. I wanted to do it because then I would have more money for college. Again one of those things that just didn't happen.

Future expectations include the fact that I have a ton of books that I'm reading. I never did finish 13 Reasons Why, but I am going to finish it soon. I think I'm going to make this mostly reviews and just blog posts. Once a week on blog posts and probably every other night on book reviews. I am going to do a couple reviews of things that I have tried recently. Some drinks that I can say yay or nay on, I've read almost 3 books in the last month (that's with working, working out, watching tv, spending time with friends and my boyfriend, and spending time with family members). I hope to do reviews/flashbacks on weekly episodes of Pretty Little Liars which I'm addicted to. I'm actually so addicted I read the first book and will have the whole series by Saturday night. I hope to finish the series within the next two weeks. I hope to then do a comparison from the book to the show which I think will be very fun. Another thing that is going to be happening soon is that I'm going to Universal Studio's Islands of Adventure, where the Harry Potter Theme park is. Now from what I know the rides in that section are the same, but they have redecorated and renamed them. I will confirm this when I go, but I will be taking pictures, possibly even a little video if I can. I have to test my camera. I'm hoping that I can still film even though it is semi-broken. The thing that is that the screen just went completely white. I'm hoping that I can film and it will work, but I'm not 100% sure.

One thing that is my guilty pleasure is Harry Potter. I am obsessed, I never got into the books, but I love the movies and I love the whole world. The reason I have figured out that I don't like the books is because I hate how they end. I love J K Rowling, but her pairings to me are just awful. I think that Ron is a complete idiot and I will never believe that he would ever be able to have an intellectual conversation with Hermione. I can see Ginny and Harry, but I wish Hermione would have ended up with someone smarter. Even having Draco turn his life around and be a nice guy and her eventually end up with him would have been better than Ron. Lavender was good for him and why they broke up is beyond me. Just my opinion.

Ok so that's it for this post I might do another one, but I'm not sure. If I do it will be a review. I'm not sure what of, but I have a lot of options. I'm not going to do Pretty Little Liars. I'm going to do that as a series. I'm going to review as I finish each book. Those will have spoilers because you can't really review a series without giving some things away. When the season is over I will do a comparison between the two.

Smile at everyone even your worst enemy.

Brittany Rose

Monday, January 4, 2010


So this is my only explanation for not posting, holidays. I spent lots of time with the family and the boyfriend. Holidays were good. I go a Coach purse, matching wallet, mini wallet, and wristlet all that match and all under $300 and OMG is my mom's boyfriend's daughter jealous. I'll have to take pictures soon to show the amazing deal. This is not a tiny purse people. Really good deals at the Coach outlet in Orlando. I've been doing a ton of shopping. I actually think I've become a minor shopaholic.

So for those of you that have developed a Lush addiction like me, if you don't already know they are having a huge sale. All soap is buy one get two free, all Christmas products are buy one get two free, and all of those wonderful little gift boxes that not only have wonderful lush products in them but also have 15% coupons in them. So if you haven't what I call prewrapped holiday packages you might want to hurry up. In fact the website is already sold out of all, but two gift boxes but I know my local Lush they have so many packages they were just stuffing them everywhere. There were presents on high shelves there were so many. So you might want to hurry.

Also Sephora is having a sale where they have products that are marked down to 10 dollars or less. Too faced and NARS stuff marked down to 10 or less people. This is huge. Then there is stuff 25 and under really good deals people! Dior mini mascara duos for $18. Seriously good deals.

Next topic, hair care products. I'm trying to find a good heat protection product. right now I use biolage thermal-active setting spray in medium hold. Well my problem is when I try to curl my hair it's just not curling, I'm not sure if it's the spray or if it's the technique, but long story short I'm trying to find new heat protectent. I have 1 products in mind, the got2b guardian angel trio. I really want the guardian angel products, but the only place I can find them is sold out and I don't think they are coming out with anymore. I think the trio was a holiday thing, but the products by themselves are sold out too. So I'm between a rock and a hard place. Yeah so I'm not sure what to do.

So to all my readers which as far as I know I don't have any but hey everyone needs an outlet. Zebra cakes should not be eaten like back to back. I don't really feel so well.

So I'm kind of sad cuz my favorite Italian restaurant kind of sucks now. They used to have amazing Manicotti, but I guess they changed the recipe or something. I don't think they make it in a noodle now and that's just gross.

Oh so I know this is getting really long but it's got to be like the coldest in Florida history because it is too cold to be the sunshine state. This morning it was like 34 degrees. It sucks. It's too cold. Tourist always think oh Florida hot sunny beaches well not right now. Right now it is 45 degrees. That's too cold.

Oh and then so I got my ACT score today. I thought I totally bombed it, nope I actually got a 23 out of 36 composite score.

Yeah so I think that's it. I think I'm out of things to say. I've said a lot. A lot that no one is going to read, but hey I don't really care if no one reads this. I have my outlet and that's all that really matters.