Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Meganheartsmakeup on Youtube

So I'm not exactly happy with her right now. I'm a really big rescue/shelter supporter and to see her get a teacup pom is kind of sickening. Honestly if she would have bought from a breeder because of a certain reason like that she wanted to show the dog or if she was using it for herding this would be a different story.

For one having a back ground in vet I know there is no such thing as Teacup anything. They are dogs that are usually born prematurely by the breed forcing the mother to go into labor too early. They are usually very unhealthy dogs too. This is because of two reasons. One because of their size their organs usually grow too big for their tiny bodies. Two because of the premature birth some of them might not have finished developing properly.

Two there are so many dogs that are put to sleep each day because of no one wanted them. 4 out of the 5 dogs I've owned have been from a shelter directly and the last and youngest one was rescued but he was originally from a breeder.

Cena's story: My mother was a cab driver and she drove this couple to the greyhound bus station. They had a very adorable and friendly puppy with them. He was a Bichon Frise and Shih Tzu cross which is also called a Zuchon or Shihon. His name was originally Teddy The station would not allow the puppy to go on the bus. So the couple obviously not caring too much about the young creature was going to tie him to a pole and come back in the morning. My mother told them no. She told them that if they came back for him the next day they could have him, but to not let her daughter (me) get attached to the dog. They came back two weeks later and demanded their dog back. My mother told them oh no not only was I attached, my grandmother (who doesn't really like dogs) and my grandfather (who doesn't like small dogs) were all attached to this dog. She demanded they sign him over immediately. On top of this they wrote my mom a bad check so she had them on fraud too so they gave in and signed over the dog. They gave us all his paperwork and that's when we found out he was from a breeder. They had paid $1,000 for this puppy and he was elegable for being registered with the American Hybrid Association.

Three it kind of makes me sad for the dog because obviously she did not do her homework on the breed. If she would have done her homework she would have known that this dog is going to have health problems. She would have known the possible torture the mother had to go through to have this puppy. She also probably wouldn't have bought the dog.

Forth if she had done some research she would have known that shelter dogs and dogs of mixed breeds are actually healthier than pure bred dogs.

Lastly I'm very concerned that she pick the dog up from the airport. Plane rides are very stressful for animals, especially for young animals. Stress is not only bad for people but animals too. Think that puppy was alone in a crate for a very long time. Was there no way that she could have found a breeder closer to her home.

I'm honestly not sure if I want to watch her videos anymore. Mostly her reviews. I'm afraid that she hasn't done her homework on stuff she is telling us is so great.

That's just my two sense. Take it or leave it.

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