Monday, December 14, 2009

Holiday Tag

So this is mostly on you tube but I wanted to do it too,

1. Favorite holiday destination?
My dad's house because my dad's house is where I spend Christmas night and then the next day we go out the next day and spend our gift cards.

2. Any family traditions?
My family opens family presents on Christmas eve and then Christmas day we usually have like a big feast but we aren't this year and Christmas morning used to be for Santa presents. So then the night of Christmas, my step-sister and I and now my boyfriend spend the night at my dad's house and he still does Santa and the does more presents from him and my step-mother. Then the day after Christmas we go and spend gift cards.

3. Favorite ornament or decoration?
We have a set of ornaments that my great grandfather made and they are insanely old and they always go on the front of the tree. There's like 7 ornaments.

4. What are you doing for the holidays?
See question 2 :D

5.Are you a late or early Christmas shopper?
Usually early, but this year because I didn't have a job until the Friday before Thanksgiving I didn't have money until last Friday so I actually just started going shopping. I have my grandmother on my dad's side and my boyfriend done, but no one else.

6. Who usually cooks holiday dinners?
My grandparents, I'm a horrible cook and if it was up to me we'd be having chicken nuggets and scooby doo mac and cheese. :D

7. Have you ever gone Christmas caroling?
No but I was in a Christmas choir show once, I had a couple solos.

8. Do you live where it snows?
Ugh I wish, but hopefully next year I will be. Either Missouri or Iowa.

9. One thing that makes you happiest at Christmas?
Santa hats, making gift baskets (I've already made 2), giving out presents, and of course getting presents.

10. What do you want most for Christmas?
My new Couch purse and Commit Loves Cupid by OPI. :D

So there you go. That's my Holiday Tag. I now tag anyone that see this.

"Shoot for the Moon because even if you fail, you'll land among the stars."-- Brittany

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