Monday, December 14, 2009

Holiday Tag

So this is mostly on you tube but I wanted to do it too,

1. Favorite holiday destination?
My dad's house because my dad's house is where I spend Christmas night and then the next day we go out the next day and spend our gift cards.

2. Any family traditions?
My family opens family presents on Christmas eve and then Christmas day we usually have like a big feast but we aren't this year and Christmas morning used to be for Santa presents. So then the night of Christmas, my step-sister and I and now my boyfriend spend the night at my dad's house and he still does Santa and the does more presents from him and my step-mother. Then the day after Christmas we go and spend gift cards.

3. Favorite ornament or decoration?
We have a set of ornaments that my great grandfather made and they are insanely old and they always go on the front of the tree. There's like 7 ornaments.

4. What are you doing for the holidays?
See question 2 :D

5.Are you a late or early Christmas shopper?
Usually early, but this year because I didn't have a job until the Friday before Thanksgiving I didn't have money until last Friday so I actually just started going shopping. I have my grandmother on my dad's side and my boyfriend done, but no one else.

6. Who usually cooks holiday dinners?
My grandparents, I'm a horrible cook and if it was up to me we'd be having chicken nuggets and scooby doo mac and cheese. :D

7. Have you ever gone Christmas caroling?
No but I was in a Christmas choir show once, I had a couple solos.

8. Do you live where it snows?
Ugh I wish, but hopefully next year I will be. Either Missouri or Iowa.

9. One thing that makes you happiest at Christmas?
Santa hats, making gift baskets (I've already made 2), giving out presents, and of course getting presents.

10. What do you want most for Christmas?
My new Couch purse and Commit Loves Cupid by OPI. :D

So there you go. That's my Holiday Tag. I now tag anyone that see this.

"Shoot for the Moon because even if you fail, you'll land among the stars."-- Brittany

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

So this is how I'm going to do book reviews. I'm going to stop just before the last forth of the book because I don't want to give away the ending. For tv shows and movies I believe those are all up for spoilers, but books there's so much detail that you really need to read it for the full effect.

So I'm going to copy and paste the synopsis straight from Barnes & Noble online:
Clay Jensen returns home from school to find a mysterious box with his name on it lying on his porch. Inside he discovers cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker–his classmate and crush–who committed suicide two weeks earlier.

On tape, Hannah explains that there are thirteen reasons why she decided to end her life. Clay is one of them. If he listens, he'll find out how he made the list.

Through Hannah and Clay's dual narratives, debut author Jay Asher weaves an intricate and heartrending story of confusion and desperation that will deeply affect teen readers.

So the over all first look of the book is very interesting. The girl on the front of the book is very pretty and how innocent she looks is perfect. I got the hard cover that has added bonus material. The back is very dark. It's an amazing contrast from the front. I also love the quote on the back,
"You can't stop the future
You can't rewind the past
The only way to learn the secret to press play."
It's amazingly deep and it's so true.

So overall it's really interesting. I love how honest Hannah is on the tapes. The chapters aren't actually called chapters. They're whatever tape Clay is listening to at the time. I would really suggest getting the hardcover with added material because even though it's a little more expensive it's more interactive. On the back of the jacket it has a map of the town that Hannah refers to in the tapes. I can tell you they really want you to keep reading because you don't really want to stop until you've heard Clay's story and I just finished the 8th story and it still haven't heard his so I'm hoping it comes soon.

I would like to say I bought this at my local barnes & noble, my grandma paid anything to get me away from anything bad right. I could have paid for it because I do work but we were there as a family. I am not getting paid to review this book although it would be nice. Also I'm not telling you that you're going to love this book. You may have different tastes than I do. Just because I love something doesn't mean you are.

Love life and have fun-- Brittany


So my name is Brittany, if you couldn't already tell. I'm 18 years old, but I really haven't been 18 for very long. I'm a senior in a normal public High School in Florida. Honestly I would love for everyone reading this to be my close friend and come over for parties, but as everyone knows it's just not safe.

I have a youtube and I really wanted to get into making vlogs, but my computer can barely hold the memory I have now so that wasn't working. I still really wanted to review stuff and let people know what I thought. On this blog I'm going to review anything and everything that interest me. From makeup to books to other people's vlogs and blogs.

I'm the typical girl, I like makeup and fashoin, but I'm honestly not the most fashonable. I would love to be that girl that every freshman looks up for looking cool. I'm the average jeans and a t-shirt kind of girl. I, as most girls, have an unhealthy addiction to makeup. I also have an unhealthy addiction to window shopping, not only in person, but online. My last addiction is Blockbuster. The manager at my local Blockbuster knows me by heart, he even remembered my birthday which was amazing. I felt so special.

So next subject, I have a boyfriend for all you wondering. He's more than my boyfriend though. He's kind of the only real person I have felt for everything and anything at school, but whatever it's my Senior year. In like 9 monthes I'll be in college. I'm not sure were I'm going yet and I'm not sure I should tell because even though there are like a thousand freshman per school it's still really unsafe. Not to menton I have a very not normal major. Brace yourself because this is a wierd one, I want to spend the rest of my life doing statistics. There's nothing better than calculating stats and just spending every moment in the math zone. I love it. I now have like 3 t-shirts related to math. One I'm getting for chirstmas, but I picked it out. Don't worry it's not the first time that's happened. My grandma never knows what to get me sometimes it's just easier for her to do that.

So on the topic of grandparents, I live with mine. My mom lives in Conneticut and my dad lives not too far way, but I already live about 30 minutes away from school as it is and living at my dad's would be another 30 minutes. It just doesn't make sense. I'd also be living an hour away from my boyfriend if I lived there. I've been living with my grandparents for alittle less than 10 years now of my 18 years of breathing. I'd love to live with my mom though. Why don't I then? Because she is not in the situation that she can take care of an 18 year old. I probably eat a lot more than I should, but I like what I like and I like food so I'm going to eat it. My usual everyday diet is sandwich for breakfast and sometimes a donut or a bagel, that's usually somewhere around 7 am- 8am. After breakfast I don't usually eat until about 1:30 in the afternoon. Lunch is usually left overs and strawberry banana yogart with granolia. Then about 3:30 I have a velveta shells and cheese 2% milk cup that you microwave. Then dinner is usually about 6 or 6:30. We usually have spagetti or, like tonight, chicken with shaped mac and cheese and veggies. So I usually have more than I should and I don't usually drink soda.

So what am I usually going to review on this blog. For the most part I'm going to review makeup, food, and media things such as tv shows and movies. Sometimes, like today, I'll review a book, but don't expect them often because I just lately have not been able to find books I'm interested in. I can't understand why though. I think it's mostly because most of the books in the teen section as now all about vampires. Why? I mean we have enough. We have Twilight and vampire diaries not to mention True Blood and Vampire Academy. There is enough vampire books, shows, and movies to go around. We need something new people.

Anyways that was my mini rant of there being too many vampire things. So that's all I'm going to say for now because in a minute or two I'm going to review the current book I'm reading. So I'll talk to you in a minute.

Love life and have fun-- Brittany Rose